Wires and Cables
A variety of wires
Capital X Panel Designer provides a variety of wires for every conceivable type of connections. Just drag and drop to place wires on your drawing. In addition, you can always customize wires, and drop them into your own custom stencils for further usage.
Automatic wire name detection
When a wire is dragged and moved to connect to another wire, Capital X Panel Designer will automatically detect and assign a wire name to the connected wire.
Wire name propagation
If you have multiple wires connected together, changing the name of any wire will also change the names of all connected wires. Changes will propagate to all connected wires, through wire links and even over multiple pages.
Automatic wire connection
When a wire is connected to another wire, Capital X Panel Designer automatically creates a connection point and connects the 2 wires together. When you move the wire away, the connection point is automatically deleted.
See also
Wire links
Wire links are used to extend a wire to another location, on the same page or to another page, while still symbolically representing a single wire. Use FromWireLink (source) to extend a wire to another location and ToWireLink (target) to continue a wire from another location. When you double click on unpaired links, Capital X Panel Designer will automatically prompt you to pair them. When double clicking on paired links, Capital X Panel Designer will automatically jump to the target link.
Assigning and managing cables
To manage cables, click on menu Capital X Panel Designer | Manage Cables. All wires in a drawing will be listed in the Manage Cable window. Users select a wire, insert or select a cable and then assign the wire to a specific core of the cable.
The cable database
The Cable database stores all cable specifications so that they can be used and re-used on multiple projects and drawings. Once a cable is selected, it's specifications is then transfered and stored on the drawing itself for portability.
The cable tag symbol
The Cable Tag symbol is used on a drawing to automatically display cable information on a wire. Simply drag and drop the Cable Tag symbol on any wire to display cable information. More options are available with a simple right click.