How can we help?
- Concepts
- Relationship between symbols and components
- Drawings and the component database
- Using the dashboard
- Personalized dashboard
- Customizing your dashboard view
- Expanding and collapsing sections
- Using folders
- Creating folders
- Refreshing folders
- Renaming folders
- Moving folders
- Trashing, restoring and permanently deleting folders
- Finding drawings and folders
- How to find a drawing's location
- Export drawing in the dashboard
- Import PDF to the dashboard
- Create and manage drawings
- Selecting multiple drawings
- Creating a new drawing
- Renaming a drawing
- Moving a drawing
- Trashing, restoring and permanently deleting drawings
- Understanding trash permissions
- Duplicating a drawing
- Pinning a drawing to the top
- Saving and opening an offline drawing
- Create and manage teams
- Creating a team
- Inviting team members
- Understanding team permissions
- Understanding inheritance in teams
- Sharing a team drawing
- Managing team permissions
- Renaming a team
- Leaving or deleting a team
- Sharing and collaborating
- Sharing a drawing
- Sharing with email (requires signup)
- Sharing with a public link (no signup required)
- Managing access and invites
- Permission types
- Sharing to social media
- Publishing a drawing
- Real time collaboration
- Viewing who is online
- Chatting with teammates
- Viewing notifications
- Integrating with Slack
- Creating a team from your Slack channel
- Sharing a drawing to Slack
- Creating your own title blocks
- What is a title block?
- What information is found in the title block?
- The anatomy of a title block
- Title block creation process
- Inserting title block zones
- Inserting static text and graphics for drafting title block
- Inserting automatic text
- Creating and inserting user data
- The create title block window
- Using a custom title block
- Editing the title block icon
- Exporting title block data
- Importing title block data
- Fit the title block to the page margin
- Automatically insert title block after creating a new page
- Loading a title block into a project
- Updating title blocks on a sheet
- Symbols and components
- One intelligent symbol
- Placing and duplicating symbols
- Intelligent inheritance
- Intelligent automatic numbering
- Editing symbol reference
- Cross navigation hyperlinks
- The reference window
- Realtime reference window
- Displaying pin names
- Automatic pin names
- Modifying pin sets
- Editing symbol information
- Understanding symbols and components
- Assigning components
- Managing components
- Selecting a component
- The component database
- The autolocation shape
- Customizing the Fitting Manifold symbol
- The Component Tag Symbol
- Add custom fields for a component
- Creating Your Own Schematic Symbol
- Symbol creation process
- The anatomy of a schematic symbol
- The create symbol window
- Editing existing symbols
- Viewing components of a symbol
- Importing manufacturer components
- Wires
- A variety of wires
- Difference between a line and a wire
- Connecting and manipulating wires
- Editing wire name
- The wire window
- Customizing wires
- Automatic wire name detection
- Wire name propagation
- Automatic wire connection
- Wire links
- Wire buses
- Assigning Cables
- Assigning Cable to Multiple Wires
- Managing Cables
- Selecting A Cable
- Arranging Cable Cores
- The Cable Database
- The Cable Tag Symbol
- Assigning Components To Wire
- Add custom fields for a cable
- Re-using circuits
- Intelligent copy and paste
- Prefab circuits
- Creating prefab circuits
- Using and sharing prefab circuits
- Intelligent Terminals
- Terminal status detection
- Automatic wire splitting
- Using and generating terminals
- Manually assigning terminal numbers
- Jumping to linked terminals
- Using terminal blocks
- Organizing multitier terminals
- Generating jumpers
- PLC shapes
- The PLC symbol
- Customizing the PLC symbol
- Creating a single PLC using multiple symbols
- The connector symbol
- Customizing the connector symbol
- The ladder zone shape
- The ladder zone symbol
- Using ladder zone
- Panel Layout Drawing
- The panel layout process
- Preparing a page for panel layout
- Inserting plates, cable ducts and rails
- Dimension shapes
- Generating panel layout
- Layout consistency checks
- Using guides to place layout shapes
- Using Automatic Placement on Rails
- Disabling Automatic Placement
- Using snap point to adjust the position of layout symbols on rails
- Using 3D layout shapes
- Making your own layout shapes
- Mounting Hole
- Generating and exporting reports
- Generating reports
- Cross reference report
- Material reference report
- Importing material reference
- Bill of materials report
- Cable reference report
- Connections (From/To) report
- Cable bill of materials report
- Exporting reports
- Exporting bill of materials report to OpenBom
- Publish bill of materials report to Teamcenter
- Create or assign Teamcenter components
- Exporting component database
- Importing component database
- Exporting cable database
- Importing cable database
- Exporting symbols on drawing
- Importing symbols on drawing
- Export wires on drawing
- Import wires on drawing
- Generating Table of Contents
- Preferences and settings
- Setting the language
- Setting the keyboard increment
- Automatically resize symbols to snap on grid
- Show confirmation dialog when modifying stencils
- Automatically insert title block after creating a new page
- Automatically snap to nearby shapes
- Play sound when chat message is received
- Play sound when collaborator joins editing
- Notification settings
- Enable or disable desktop notifications
- DWG/DXF settings
- Enable or disable Import dimensions and Import layers
- Basic shape operations
- Selecting a drawing tool
- Selecting shapes and sub shapes
- Drawing squares, rectangles and rounded rectangles
- Drawing lines, arcs, curves and freeforms (paths)
- Modifying paths
- Moving path points
- Extending or joining paths
- Adding path points
- Deleting path points
- Rotating shapes
- Resizing shapes
- Maintaining aspect ratio
- Resizing shapes from the center
- Resizing with proportional stroke or line weight
- Setting stroke widths or line weight
- Setting text stroke width
- Setting line style
- Understanding line style format
- Setting line end (arrow)
- Setting line end (arrow) sizing
- Modifying stroke linecap
- Setting stroke linejoin
- Using connectors
- Using elbow connectors
- Using straight connectors
- Using jump connectors
- Resizing connectors
- Using connection points
- Adding connection points
- Deleting connection points
- Moving connection points
- Connecting shapes using connection points
- Changing connection mode of a shape
- Locking shapes
- Adding hyperlinks
- Advanced shape operations
- Grouping shapes
- Ungrouping shapes
- Grouped shapes with text
- Flip vertical
- Flip horizontal
- Fragment shapes
- Union shapes
- Difference shapes
- Intersect shapes
- Flatten shapes
- How flattening works
- Trimming shapes
- Joining paths
- Outline text
- Converting shapes to path
- Why convert to path?
- Using stencils and symbols
- Opening and using a stencil
- Creating a new stencil
- Collapse all stencils
- Symbol View
- Stencil size
- Understanding stencil permissions
- Editing stencil properties
- Closing a stencil
- Deleting a stencil
- Arrange stencils
- Moving stencils
- Sharing stencils
- Refreshing stencils
- Using symbols
- Creating a new symbol
- Saving schematic pages to the stencil
- Using saved schematic pages from the stencil
- Editing symbol information
- Copying a symbol
- Pasting a symbol
- Pasting a symbol's name, description and tags
- Editing a symbol icon
- Resetting a symbol icon
- Refreshing a symbol
- Deleting a symbol
- Collapsing a stencil
- Arranging symbols in a stencil
- Finding symbols
- Downloading a stencil
- Importing a stencil
- Modifying fonts and text
- Setting font family
- Adding your own web and custom fonts
- Setting font sizes
- Setting text alignment
- Positioning text
- Modifying text padding
- Creating text
- Outlining text
- Setting rounded background on text
- Find and replace text
- Setting rich text styling on text
- Using flow text
- Create flow text
- Offset flow text
- Revert flow text
- Arranging and aligning shapes
- Arranging shapes using back, backward, front and forward
- Aligning shapes
- Distributing shapes
- Creating guides
- Deleting guides
- Attaching shapes to guides
- Moving guides
- Hiding and showing guides
- Clearing (deleting) all guides
- Using the color picker
- Single click to set most recent color
- Setting text stroke color
- Setting background color on the text
- Using default colors
- Setting colors quickly
- Customizing colors
- Customizing gradients
- Add more stops to a gradient
- Remove a stop from gradient
- Saving customized gradients
- Resetting saved gradients
- Using colors and gradients across multiple devices
- Using the color palette
- Using painter
- How to use painter
- How to use multi-mode
- Using format painter
- Using color painter
- Using formula painter
- Using json painter
- Applying shadow, bevel and other effects
- Applying effects
- Drop shadow
- Inner shadow
- Bevel
- Blur
- Glow
- Deleting an effect
- Effect on text
- Shape properties and formulas
- Viewing Shape properties
- Adding a field
- Removing a field
- Entering values
- Entering units and expressions
- Locking aspect ratio
- Viewing and entering formulas
- Deleting a formula
- Editing formulas on the mini editor
- Automatically minimizing Shape properties
- Viewing text properties
- Editing text line spacing
- Assigning name to shapes
- Automatically incrementing shapes
- Resizing line end (arrow)
- How to use color palette in custom properties
- Repeat transformation
- Page size, scaling and units
- Displaying the page setup dialog
- Selecting a page sizing
- Setting a custom page size
- Selecting page orientation
- Fitting a page to a drawing
- Selecting a measurement unit
- Page scaling
- Page margin
- Multiple pages
- Adding a new page
- Renaming a page
- Selecting a page
- Page reordering
- Deleting a page
- Page previews
- Exporting shapes and drawings
- Exporting shapes
- Exporting the entire drawing
- Exporting as JPG
- Exporting as PNG
- Exporting as PDF
- Exporting as DXF
- Exporting as DWG
- Exporting as SVG
- Creating and using layers
- Displaying the layers dialog
- The default layer
- Creating new layers
- Creating non printable, hidden or comment layers
- Renaming layers
- Selecting an active layer
- Assigning shapes to layers
- Inheriting layers
- Deleting layers
- Selecting all shapes in a layer
- Showing or hiding shapes in a layer
- Changing the z-order of layers
- Add custom data
- Using version control
- Save a version
- Reverting drawing version
- Add custom data
- What is custom data?
- Add custom data
- Use custom data
- Add custom menu
- Viewing custom menu
- Understanding custom menu
- Selecting a custom menu
- Rearrange custom menu
- Example of custom menu
- Using dark mode
- Viewing dark theme and light theme
- Using Clip Path
- Create clip path
- Text clipper
- Remove clip path
- Plugins
- What are plugins?
- Personal plugins
- Team plugins
- Public plugins
- Accessing and using plugins
- Plugin categorization
- Collapse all plugins
- Plugin size
- Running a plugin
- Automatically running plugins when drawing loads
- Stopping an automatically run plugin
- Creating a plugin
- Editing the plugin script
- Renaming and editing a plugin
- Editing plugin icons
- Refreshing a plugin
- Sharing a plugin to other teams
- Finding plugins
- Keyboard shortcuts
- List of keyboard shortcuts
- Tools
- Renumber
- Renumber ladder zones
- Google Drive Integration
- Create Google Files from Capital X Panel Designer dashboard
- Google Files Functions
- Google Files Ownership
- Deleting Google Files
- Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
- What is a P&ID?
- What is the role of P&IDs?
- What are the key applications of P&IDs?
- What should a P&ID diagram include?
- What should a P&ID drawing exclude?
- How to create a P&ID
- P&ID instrumentation symbol design
- Creating a tank with more inlets and outlets
- Assigning component, piping or signal
- P&ID Symbols
- P&ID Examples
- Why use Capital X Panel Designer for your P&IDs?
- The sub panel symbol
- Sub panel symbol
- Generate layouts with sub panels
- Add custom events
- What is custom event?
- Steps to create custom events
- Use custom events
- Importing and Exporting
- Importing DXF and DWG files
- Exporting as DXF/DWG
- Exporting component database
- Importing component database
- Exporting cable database
- Importing cable database
- Exporting symbols on drawing
- Importing symbols on drawing
- Export wires on drawing
- Import wires on drawing
- Using templates
- Creating a template
- Creating a new drawing from a template
- Editing a template
- Using Capital X Panel Designer template
- Browsing Capital X Panel Designer templates
- Import drawings or stencils from Electra E6/E7/E8
- Steps to import drawings from Electra E6/E7/E8 to Capital X Panel Designer/Capital Panel Designer (Offline version)
- Steps to import stencils from Electra E6/E7/E8 to Capital X Panel Designer/Capital Panel Designer (Offline version)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- If I share and move a drawing to a folder, will it affect other users?
- What happens if a user trashed the drawing I shared to them?
- Can a user create a new drawing from shared drawing?
- How to check if the drawing belongs to personal or team in the editor?
- Can Capital X Panel Designer generate a From/To report?
- I already have CAD symbols in AutoCad, can I import them into Capital X Panel Designer?
- How to import drawing from Capital X Panel Designer to Capital Panel Designer (Offline version) and vice versa?
- How to use an existing drawing as a template in Capital Panel Designer (Offline version)?
- How to delete my account?
- Getting started
- Creating a new drawing
- Opening a drawing
- Automatic saving
- Automatic saving in Capital Panel Designer (Offline version)
- Page scale
- Page measurement units
- Stencils and drawing area
- Opening and using stencil
- Connection points
- Positioning text
- Selecting sub shapes in a group
- Version control
- Purchasing and licensing
- Assigning licenses
- Capital Panel Designer (Offline version) license activation
- Cancel subscription
- Step-by-step guideline to migrate to DEX
- Importing files
- Importing images into Capital X Panel Designer (PNG, GIF, JPG, SVG, AI)
- Auto-resizing and clipping of imported image
- Importing Visio documents into Capital X Panel Designer
- Importing AutoCAD (DWG/DXF) into Capital X Panel Designer
- Importing Adobe Illustrator (.ai) files into Capital X Panel Designer
- Capital X Panel Designer Options
- Accessing Capital X Panel Designer Options
- Automatic symbol resizing
- Wire propagation and detection
- Split wires when dropping terminals
- Manage connection dots for wires
- Adjust and straighten wires
- Pop-up when no cable core available
- Renumber symbols/wires in ladder zones
- Automatically wire symbols on drop
- Use smart renumbering without popups
- Renumber wires after splitting
- Enable panel prefix on references
- How page prefix works
- Enable page prefix on references
- Enable page prefix on wires
- Page prefix separator for wires
- Automatically Place on Rails
- Initial Placement Offset
- Export Format
- Location zone options
- Location format
- No results found