Create and manage teams
Using Teams is the recommended way to easily collaborate with your colleagues, customers and vendors.
Once you add a member to your team, and set their permissions, these permissions will be automatically applied for all their drawings, without you setting permissions individually.
Using teams allow you to work easier, faster, together.
Creating a team
Create a team by clicking on the + icon on the dashboard's navigation bar.
Inviting team members
Once a team is created, please give it an awesome name, and you can now begin to invite members.
Alternatively, you can also invite members later, and to control which members has the proper permissions.
Understanding team permissions
In any single team, there are 4 roles or permission you can assign to a team member, as follows:
Understanding inheritance in teams
Teams are essentially special folders where permissions that are set at the team level will be automatically inherited by all drawings in a team.
For example, if you create a team where you are the owner, and you add 2 members who have edit and share permissions, all subsequent drawings created in the team will have edit and share permissions for the 2 members you just added.
If you change one of the team members to be an owner, or a view only member, all subsequent drawings in the team will also have the same permissions.
This make it far easier to manage members without the need to repeatedly set permissions for each and every drawing.
Sharing a team drawing
Each drawing in a team can also have custom sharing permissions. For example, a drawing in a team can be shared with a customer, with the customer just having access to a particular drawing without access to any other team drawings.
To share a team drawing, simply right click on the drawing and select Manage access.
See also
Managing team permissions
You can add, remove or manage members to your team at any time by clicking on the Members button.
Then use the Who have access dialog to manage or invite members.
Renaming a team
Click on the team's menu icon on the navigation bar and select Rename to rename a team.
Leaving or deleting a team
For members with view only and edit and share permissions, leaving a team removes all access to drawings in the team.
For owners, if there are other owners in the team, then leaving the team also removes all access to drawings, but the team continue to operate as per normal.
If there are no other owners in the team, then all member's access to the team will be removed, and all drawings and folders will be moved to the owner's trash, where they will remain for 30 days for freemium users and 90 days for paid users.
Restoring the team will require inviting all members again.