October 14, 2020 · Capital X Panel Designer · Electrical CAD · What's New

How to Generate Wiring Labels the Easy Way

We are now part of Siemens’ family. Electra Cloud is now Capital Electra X and Electra E9 is now Capital Electra 2210.

Wiring labels are essential to keeping track of cables and wires during the production and installation of an electrical panel, therefore being able to easily generate labels is the very first step to a good and proper cable management.

Typically, electrical engineers will have to manually list out the information and details (i.e. wiring and wiring terminals) before printing out the labels. This requires a huge chunk of time just for identifying, determining, and keying in all the data. The process is time-consuming and mistakes are easily made, especially when the job requires high concentration.

Generate wire labels easily in just a few clicks

We understand the pain and took the opportunity in offering electrical engineers a better way to generate wiring labels without hassle. Now, you can get your wire labeling swiftly and easily on Electra Cloud.

With Electra's Wire Labeling plugin, our Electrical Schematic CAD software can automatically identify and list all wires in an electrical schematic and export to different file formats such as TSV, CSV, and JSON.

  1. After completing your drawing, click on the Plugin tab and select Productivity Tools | Export Labelling.
Access the plugin from the plugin tab's context menu
Access the plugin from the plugin tab's context menu
  1. Then click on Export labeling to run the plugin.
Export labelling plugin
Export labelling plugin
  1. Export and download the labels according to your preferred format
Export and download labels
Export and download labels
  1. Once downloaded you can then use or modify the data and upload to your favourite label printer.

The advantages of utilizing wire labeling plugins?

With automated wire labeling plugin, not only it'll save the electrical engineers more time, there's less errors as well, which allows the engineer to spend more time focusing on other more important aspects of their work.

Making your life easier and less hectic

We all know how busy electrical engineers are, and here at Siemens Industry Software Sdn. Bhd., we are committed to making an engineer's life easier, simpler and with less frustrations. Building these automated tools is what we do, and if you have suggestions, please do send them to us.

Find out more about our fully cloud-based Electrical CAD Software and services. Interested in trying this feature out? Sign up for our 30 days free trial now.

Let us know if you have any questions in mind! Just reach out to us at [email protected].

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Thomas Yip
Software Development Director

As the creator and founder of Electra Cloud, which is now known as Capital Electra X, he introduced the market to an innovative, disruptive, and fully cloud-native electrical CAD solution. The driving force behind Capital Electra X, he is committed to shaping the future of easy-to-use Electrical CAD software development. Find him on Linkedin.

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